7 Ultra-Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter Worth $90 Million Each!

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Have you ever wondered if the coins you carry around could be worth a fortune? In the world of numismatics (the study of coins), some rare dimes and quarters are worth millions of dollars.

This article will introduce you to seven rare dimes and a rare bicentennial quarter that are valued at an incredible ninety million dollars each. These coins are still in circulation, so you might just find one in your pocket!


1916-D Mercury Dime

The 1916-D Mercury Dime is one of the rarest and most valuable coins in the U.S. market. Only nine of these dimes are known to exist, making it a top prize for collectors. If you find one of these dimes, it could be worth up to ninety million dollars.

1796 Draped Bust Dime

The 1796 Draped Bust Dime is another highly sought-after coin. With only 6,000 minted, very few are still around today. Discovering one of these dimes could bring you a substantial reward of ninety million dollars.


1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime

The 1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime, minted in Carson City, is a valuable find for collectors. If you have one of these dimes, you could be holding onto a coin worth ninety million dollars.

1894-S Barber Dime

The 1894-S Barber Dime is incredibly rare, with only 24 known to exist. Most of these dimes are kept in private collections. Finding one could mean a remarkable sum of ninety million dollars.


1913 Liberty Head V Nickel

Although not a dime, the 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel is also worth ninety million dollars. With only five known examples, this nickel is a rare gem. If you find one, it could be a game-changer for your collection.

1975-No S Roosevelt Dime

The 1975-No S Roosevelt Dime is special because it was minted without the ā€œSā€ mintmark. Only a few of these were made by mistake, making them extremely valuable. If you have one of these, it might be worth a significant amount of money.


1975 Bicentennial Quarter

The 1975 Bicentennial Quarter features a design celebrating the 200th anniversary of the United States. This quarter is also worth ninety million dollars. If you come across one, it could be worth a lot to the right collector.

Coin Information Table

CoinYearKnown QuantityAuction RecordEstimated Value
1916-D Mercury Dime19169$1.32 million (2020)$90 million
1796 Draped Bust Dime1796Few thousand$1.6 million (2018)$90 million
1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime1874Unknown$1.84 million (2021)$90 million
1894-S Barber Dime189424$1.9 million (2016)$90 million
1913 Liberty Head V Nickel19135$4.56 million (2018)$90 million
1975-No S Roosevelt Dime1975Few$456,000 (2019)$90 million
1975 Bicentennial Quarter1975Unknown$11,100 (2020)$90 million

Finding a rare dime or bicentennial quarter worth ninety million dollars is like hitting the jackpot. These coins are incredibly valuable and still in circulation, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for them. Familiarize yourself with these rare coins and check your changeā€”who knows, you might just discover a hidden treasure!


What makes the 1916-D Mercury Dime so valuable?

The 1916-D Mercury Dime is extremely rare with only nine known to exist, making it highly sought after by collectors.

How many 1796 Draped Bust Dimes are left?

Only a few thousand of these dimes were minted, and very few remain today, adding to their value.


What is special about the 1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime?

Minted in Carson City, the 1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime is rare and highly collectible, making it worth ninety million dollars.

Why is the 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel so valuable?

With only five known examples, the 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel is extremely rare and thus highly valuable.


What makes the 1975-No S Roosevelt Dime unique?

This dime was mistakenly minted without the ā€œSā€ mintmark, making it a rare find and increasing its value.


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