Australia Old Age Pension 2024 – Amount, Eligibility, and Calculator

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The Australia Old Age Pension 2024 is a federal program that provides financial support to elderly Australians. This assistance helps seniors meet their daily needs by offering monthly payments. In 2024, the pension amount is expected to increase, providing additional financial support to eligible seniors.

Program Overview

The Australia Old Age Pension is designed to help seniors who meet specific age and residency requirements. The Federal Government of Australia administers this program to ensure that elderly citizens can maintain a basic standard of living.

Name of PostAustralia Old Age Pension 2024
Governed ByFederal Government of Australia
BeneficiariesEligible Seniors of Australia
CategoryGovernment Aid

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Old Age Pension, seniors must meet the following criteria:

General Requirements

  • Age: Must have reached the designated retirement age.
  • Citizenship: Must be an Australian citizen.
  • Residency: Immigrants need to have lived in Australia for more than ten years and be present in the country when the payment is made.
  • Means Test: Must pass the means test and asset test.

Specific Eligibility

  • Non-Residents: There are exemptions available for non-residents.
  • Working Abroad: Australian citizens working abroad for an Australian employer may count their time abroad as Australian residency if they meet specific conditions.

Pension Amount

The Australia Old Age Pension amount for 2024 is expected to increase by approximately 4.3%. The payment increase is distributed as follows:


For Singles

ParticularsPresent AmountIncreased Amount
Max Base Rate$1002.00$31.00
Max Pension Rate$80.70$1.40
Energy Supplement$14.10
Total Annually$28514.00$850.00

For Couples

ParticularsAmount IndvAmount CombIncreased Amount IndvIncreased Amount Comb
Max Base Rate$755.60$1511.40$23.40$46.80
Max Pension Rate$60.40$120.80$1.40$2.60
Energy Supplement$10.60$21.20

Payment Schedule

The pension payments are made monthly. Here’s a quick overview of the payment schedule for 2024:

  • Initial Payment: Just before the month in which the individual turns 65.
  • Subsequent Payments: On the date chosen by the individual each month.

Pension Calculator 2024

The pension calculator helps seniors estimate their benefits based on the Centrelink assets and income test methodologies. These calculations are updated when threshold values change, typically in March and September each year. For detailed information, refer to the Australian Government Department of Human Services website.


Fact Check

The Australian Age Pension is an income support program intended to help eligible older Australians. Eligibility is based on residency and means-testing requirements, with the pension age gradually rising from 66.5 years in 2024 to 67 by 2023. To qualify, residency in Australia must generally be maintained for at least ten years.

The pension rates are adjusted biannually to reflect inflation and living expenses. Additional supplements like the Energy Supplement and the Pension Supplement may also be available to assist with living costs. Pensioners benefit from concession cards providing discounts on transportation, utilities, and medical costs.


The Australia Old Age Pension 2024 represents a critical support system for elderly Australians, ensuring they can maintain a decent standard of living. The anticipated increase in payments reflects the government’s commitment to adjusting support in response to inflation and rising living costs.

Eligible seniors should stay informed about the latest updates and ensure they meet all requirements to benefit from this essential program.



What is the Australia Old Age Pension 2024?

It is a federal financial assistance program for elderly Australians to help them meet their daily needs.

Who is eligible for the Old Age Pension?

Seniors who meet age, residency, and means test requirements are eligible.


How much will the pension amount increase in 2024?

The pension amount is expected to increase by approximately 4.3%.

When are the pension payments made?

Payments are made monthly, starting just before the individual turns 65.


What additional supplements are available?

Additional supplements like the Energy Supplement and the Pension Supplement may be available to help with living costs.

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By Arnia
A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Arnia engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.
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