What You Need to Know About the Recent Student Loan Rulings

3 Min Read

Two judges recently blocked parts of President Biden’s income-driven repayment (IDR) program for student loans. This program helps people repay their student loans based on their income. The rulings have caused confusion for many borrowers.

How Payment Dates Are Determined

What Happened?

Judge Daniel Crabtree in Kansas and Judge John Ross in Missouri ruled against parts of the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) program. This program was meant to lower monthly payments from 10% to 5% of discretionary income and offer full debt forgiveness after the repayment period.


Contradictory Rulings

Why Is This a Problem?

The judges had different opinions on the SAVE program’s features. This has caused uncertainty for borrowers who are unsure how much they owe and when they need to repay their loans.

Judicial Influence

Who Made These Decisions?

Both judges were appointed by President Obama but were influenced by home-state senators, some of whom were Republicans. This affects how judges make decisions, even if they are from the same political party as the president who appointed them.


The SAVE Program

What Is the SAVE Program?

The SAVE program, updated by the Biden administration, aims to make loan repayment easier. It increases the income threshold to 225% of the poverty line, sets payments for low earners to $0, and forgives loans after 10-20 years, depending on the loan size.

What Do the Judges Think?

Both judges agree that the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) allows the SAVE program. However, they disagree on the specifics of loan forgiveness. Judge Crabtree thinks forgiveness should happen if repayment is capped at 25 years. Judge Ross questions the legality of forgiving loans after the repayment period.



What Does This Mean for Borrowers?

These rulings make it hard for borrowers to understand their loan obligations. Some advocates suggest putting all borrowers on administrative forbearance until the cases are resolved.

What is the SAVE program?

The SAVE program is an income-driven repayment plan for student loans that adjusts payments based on your income.


Why were parts of the SAVE program blocked?

Judges questioned the legality of reducing payments and forgiving loans after the repayment period.

How do these rulings affect borrowers?

The rulings create confusion about how much borrowers owe and when they need to repay their loans.


What should borrowers do now?

Borrowers should stay informed and consider contacting their loan servicer for guidance.

Will the SAVE program continue?

Some parts of the SAVE program will continue, but the legal challenges may lead to changes.


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By Arnia
A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Arnia engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.
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